Sometimes so much happens I stop.
Sometimes I need to tidy my studio but I don’t. I leave it and leave it and work through the chaos knowing I need to stop work, tidy up and clear my head, but I get stuck. There is a vague thought that if I finish this painting or get past this event first, then I can tidy, but it goes on too long and the tidying never happens. The stuff piles up and it becomes hard to see what is happening or focus and a darkness falls over me.
A similar thing happens with writing blog posts and putting things on Instagram or my Face Book page. When I’m not working I can’t see the point and the longer I am silent the harder it is to speak again.
But I am working! I’m just being hard on myself because I’m not in my studio making.

I stopped making last year because I was illustrating ‘Treasure from the Sea’ That was an amazing experience. So very hard and at times I doubted my ability to complete it. But my heart and soul went into it, I am happy with the paintings I did and am now looking forward to seeing it published.

Anyway the paint had just dried on the last painting for the book when I heard the news that I was moving house in 2 weeks. Not much time to pack up 11 years of home and studios. We’ve only been in 6 weeks, much done but a mountain of stuff ahead too.
As yet I have no sculpture workshop. Hoping that next month I can start on that. But the painting studio is mostly set up (now the water pouring in through the ceiling and rotten lino have been sorted)

But this post is really about the new website. I’m creating it myself in WordPress so it will be fairly basic to start with because I’m learning. But I want to get this blog copied over to it so I am all in one place. Apparently I can do that but as I have lots of other stuff on it may take a while to sort out. Not ready to share my website yet but ready or not people are going to see it at the end of this month because I am doing Open Studios Cornwall 2018.