I have decided to call the one hundred resins blocks.
This is block 1 so far.
Not sure how many I will make but I want to get them all to this stage before I sand and polish. They are growing from each other so this part needs to be a continuous process. Then I will sort out the wall fixings and lights.
So I’ve started block 2. Unlike block 1, which I set upside down, bock 2 is face up. It is easier to see what I’m doing but the little squares are different depths which makes it trickier to get them all level at the end. Some I want to be clear, some I want to have a thin film of white clouding them. I want the text to read or be obscured, the objects to be near the surface or deep, the light to be diffused or sharp. Lots of variables and things to think about as I go along. This is the first 10mm of white which is the base.
And here is the plan. A vague plan. As always as I start to place them a few squares move and a few squares get replaced.
My plan though is that this block won’t be as dense as bock 1. It will have more white.
It took four pours over two days to place everything. It will be many days before I get it out of the mould. Then I will have to make more little squares to make the next one. I’m thinking Five.
As I make more little squares I put them on my light box and photograph them individually.They are on my Face Book page in an album resins on the light box as I sort through them
moving towards a clear space
become whiter become empty be full of light