I wrote a post in August about drawing and painting dead birds. I found this Jay on a road near Bissoe and brought it home to paint and photograph as it was so beautiful. I’ve kept it in the freezer since and brought it out whenever I wanted to draw it.

Very soon after I found the jay I was given a song thrush that had flown into a friends window. I put them together in a box. My beautiful birds, frozen. I drew and I painted for a while then stopped. Not enough. I meant to paint them more but now months have passed and I feel it’s time I brought them out and laid them to rest.

I shall spend the evening painting them a bit more then tomorrow I will bury them in the garden. Maybe I will keep a few feathers. Maybe I will try and keep their skulls.
And tomorrow I get my garage back. Its been out of use for a few weeks so the big tidy up has been delayed. Then there was Christmas and the wild weather! But from tomorrow nothing is stopping me. Might get out and pour some resin soon. Lights and fibre optics to experiment with in the coming months.